Πτυχίο: PhD
Έτος: 2014
Ίδρυμα: Παν. Ιωαννίνων
Τμήμα: Χημείας
Πτυχίο: M.Sc.
Έτος: 2005
Ίδρυμα: Παν. Ιωαννίνων
Τμήμα: Χημείας
Πτυχίο: B.S.
Έτος: 1990
Ίδρυμα: ΤΕΙ Μεσ/γγίου, Παρ. Άρτας
Τμήμα: Τεχν. Γεωπόνων
2018-σήμερα Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, ΠΙ | |
2015–2018 | Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Τμ. Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων, ΤΕΙ Ηπείρου |
2002-2015 | Ε.ΤΕ.Π, Τμ. Ανθοκομίας Αρχιτεκτονικής Τοπίου, ΤΕΙ Ηπ. |
1990-2002 | Έκτακτη εκπαιδευτικός, Εργ. συνεργάτης, ΤΕΙ Ηπ., ΤΕΙ Μεσ/ίου |
1. Yfanti P., Karkabounas A., Batistatou A., Tsapinou A., Leneti E., Manos G., Lekka M. E., “Study of potent cytotoxic activity of Helleborus cyclophyllus Boiss against a human adenocarcinoma cell line”, Cytotechnology (2020); doi.org/10.1007/s10616-020-00425-4(0123456789
2. Yfanti, P., Batistatou, A., Manos, G. Lekka M.E “The Aromatic Plant Satureja horvatii ssp. macrophylla Induces Apoptosis and Cell Death to the A549 Cancer Cell Line” American Journal of Plant Sciences 6 (2015) 2092-2103; doi.org /10.4236/ajps.2015.613210.
3. Patakioutas G., Dimou D., Yfanti P., Karras G., Ntatsi G., Savvas D “Root inoculation with beneficial micro-organisms as a means to control Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici in two Greek landraces of tomato grown on perlite” Acta Ηorticulturae ·1168, (2017) 277-286; doi.org /10.17660/ActaHortic .2017.1168. 36.
4. Kostoula O.K., Dimou D., Yfanti P., Douma D., Karipidis C., Kritsimas A. and Patakioutas G. “Morphological and physiological aspects of Crithmum maritimum L. (sea fennel, Apiaceae) symbiosis with Glomus intraradices and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 25 (2016) 1701-1713.
5. Patakioutas, G., Dimou, D., Kostoula, O., Yfanti, P., Kyrkas, D., Baltzoi, P., Tsirogiannis, I.L., Ntoulas, Ν. and Nektarios, P.A. “Turfgrass root system inoculation and colonization by a mycorrhizal fungus and other symbiotic micro-organisms and evaluation of its effects on green turf cover and growth” Acta Hort. 1122 (2016) 65-72; doi.org/ 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1122.9.
6. Patakioutas G., Dimou D., Kostoula O., Yfanti P., Paraskevopoulos A., Ntatsi G., Savvas D., Inoculation of tomato roots with beneficial micro-organisms as a means to control Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and improve nutrient uptake and yield, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1107 (2015) 141-148; doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1107.19.
7. Kostoula O., Dimou D., Yfanti P., Douma D., Karipidis Ch., Kritsimas A., Kyrkas D., Patakioutas G. “Crithmum maritimum L. in co-existence with Glomus intraradices and growth promoting bacteria. Acta Hortic. 1102 (2015) 163-170; doi.org/10.17660 /Acta Hortic. 2015.1102.20.
8. Baltzoi P., Tsirogiannis I.L., Dimou D., Kostoula O., Yfanti P., Patakioutas G. “Effect of Symbiotic Microorganisms on Turfgrass under Two Irrigation Regimes” International. Journal of Plant & Soil Science 8 (2015). 1-9; doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2015/19359.
Αριθμός Δημοσιεύσεων: 10 (18-10-2020), Αριθμός ετεροαναφορών: 10 (18-10-2020)
H factor = 2 (Scopus 18-10-2020)