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Institute of Digital Innovation (I.D.I.)

The Institute of Digital Innovation (I.D.I) is located in the city of Ioannina.  It is an autonomous scientific and research unit affiliated with the University Research Center of Ioannina (U.R.C.I.) since 2019. It is staffed with University of Ioannina faculty members and eminent scientists whose research is directly related to the fields of computer Science and engineering.


I.D.I. conducts basic and applied research in computer science and engineering in a wide range of applications, such as, entrepreneurship, administration, culture, environment, health with emphasis in interdisciplinarity.


  • Promotion of knowledge and development of research in the field of computer science and engineering.
  • Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the wider digital transformation that modern society is undergoing in its key activities, such as economy, transport, tourism, logistics, culture, industry, environment, entertainment, health, and sciences.
  • Development of collaborations with other research centers in Greece and abroad.
  • Dynamic search for funding from competitive research programs.
  • Connecting basic research in computer science and engineering with targeted applications in all fields of research and development
  • Creation of an interdisciplinary pole for the exploitation of ICT in all scientific fields with innovative applications.
  • Stopping brain drain and the repatriation of outstanding researchers from abroad.
  • Wider contribution to meeting the educational, research, social, cultural and development needs of the country

Internal Organization

The Institute of Digital Innovation is organized into four closely interacting Departments:
  • Department of Algorithms and Information Technologies.
  • Department of Information Processing and Analysis.
  • Department of Software Systems.
  • Department of Hardware Systems.


Recent publications